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Surge Protection/Meter Treater

Surge Protection/Meter Treater

Surge Protection Program.

Power surges can cause costly damage to your home appliances.
With our NEW protection plan you can get the peace of mind
that comes from knowing your home is protected.

These surge protection devices are installed right at the meter on the

outside of your home to help stop surges before they can get inside.

Only $5.75 a month with a one time
installation fee of $40.00 (Single Phase Service)

Only $6.75 a month with a one time
installation fee of $40.00 (Three-Phase Service)

Applying  for  the  new  program  is  simple.  Click  the  link  below  and  fill  out  the  electronic  application! 
Surge Protection Application

Surge Protection Program Brochure

What is a surge?

A surge is a spike in voltage that lasts for less than 1/60th of a second. But what does this mean in layman’s terms you ask? A good example would be to compare a surge to the blink of an eye. Every time a person blinks it take about 300 - 400 milliseconds. There are 1000 milliseconds in a second. So every time you blink it takes around 1/3 of a second. So a surge is even faster then the blink of an eye!

What Causes a Surge?

Another great question! Surges can be caused by a variety of different events. The most familiar source of a surge is lightning. The typical lightning bolt can contain almost 2 million volts of energy and can cause severe damage.
Some other common causes of surges are wildlife interference and overall bad connections. Wildlife can be a small animal getting into a transformer.
A bad connection could be as simple as a faulty ground or neutral connection or a tree limb touching a power line.

Some of the less known causes of a surge come from right inside your own home. Every time a large appliance such as your refrigerator or A/C unit motor swtiches on and off, it can cause a surge.

Help Protect Your Electronics:

We also recommend acquiring a second level of protection for your smaller electronics such as televisions, computers and phones. You can purchase plug-in devices from any electronics or home store.

Things to Know...

• 24 hour protection all year long for motor-driven appliances
• Easy Enrollment
• Installed by a certified technician whether you are home or away
• Hassle and Maintenance Free
• 15-Year Extended Manufacturer Warranty

Warranty Basics

• 15-Year Limited Extended Warranty

• Warranty is automatically transferred to the utility customer.

• MTI will repair or replace the SPD if proven defective

• Coverage per surge occurance will not exceed $5,000,with a
maximum recovery of $250 for any electronic circuitry contained
within, to any one specific device or appliance with a maximum
of $500,000 over the life of the warranty

• Fair market value or reimbursement for reasonably incurred repairs or the cost of reasonable estimated repairs

COVERS standard residential equipment (within 4 feet of the home)

• Including but not limited to HVAC (including outdoor air conditioning equipment), Washers/Dryer,
Refrigerators, Dishwashers, and Electric Ranges.)

DOES NOT apply to any defect, failure, damage caused by
improper installation, improper use or inadequate maintenance or care.

EXCLUDES all stand-alone “electronic equipment”
using microchip, microprocessor or transistor technology.

(including but not limited to - see full warranty for more details)
• Medical and/or life support equipment, Electric Vehicles, Alternative energy equipment , Elevators and/or elevator equipment, wells and well pumps and supplementary well equipment, Generators, Detached structures and equipment or appliances within, Loss of food or data, Structural damage.

** Be sure to see the complete warranty for full coverage details.